Friday, November 13, 2009

If I use kool-aid to dye my hair will my hair be damaged by other chemicals like hair spray and mous

or heat from a curling iron?

it's for a concert

also if you know how to dye with kool-aid tips would be great, I read some where to use conditioner but it takes like 7 hours

If I use kool-aid to dye my hair will my hair be damaged by other chemicals like hair spray and mousse?

I had a a friend in high school who used to dye her hair every week a different color using Kool-aid and it really didn't do any thing to her hair. It just dried out a little because she did so many different changes. I mean one week it was grape. Next week it was red then the next it was orange. You get the picture. So many changes dried out her hair a little so she went to a salon got it permanently died jet black. She also got in the goth look at that time so it worked You should be safe using hair spray. She used to a Iittle hair spray in her hair to keep a little control. Not the aerosol can but the spritz kind. I don't know what a curling iron will do to your hair my friend had straight hair and she liked it like that.

One night will not kill you hair.

If remember correctly it was one of those a pack of kool-aid, corn starch and a little water. You have to mix up a paste and apply that to the hair.

If I use kool-aid to dye my hair will my hair be damaged by other chemicals like hair spray and mousse?

Why dont you just dye your hair at a slaon? doesnt take that long.

If I use kool-aid to dye my hair will my hair be damaged by other chemicals like hair spray and mousse?

Why Kool-Aid? You're gonna kill ure hair

If I use kool-aid to dye my hair will my hair be damaged by other chemicals like hair spray and mousse?

it will not damage your hair you might have to have it in there for awhile but it you only want it like that for a concert, it should wash out soon. or you could try using semi-permanent dye. it works really well and you don't have to dip your hair in anything.

If I use kool-aid to dye my hair will my hair be damaged by other chemicals like hair spray and mousse?

Holy crap don't dye your hair with kool-aid. You can buty some hair dye at C.V.S. for like 10-15 bucks, and not kill your hair! Kool-aid will be the end of your hair!

If I use kool-aid to dye my hair will my hair be damaged by other chemicals like hair spray and mousse?

i wouldnt use kool aid lol. if the color is just temporary i would buy that loreal mousse. it washes out in 8-10 shampoo they seel it at drugstores,walmart,target,etc.

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